MarEcoTel is participating in the 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Palm Beach, Florida this week both in person and virtually. Our scientists are apart of many research projects in collaboration with several organizations. Please check out some of our presentations! Insights into foraging behavior from multi-day sound recording tag deployments on Cuvier's beaked whales in the Southern California Bight Shannon Coates, Greg Schorr, Stephanie Watwood, Brenda Rone, Russ Andrews, David Sweeney, Mark Johnson, Karin Dolan, and Stacy DeRuiter Scratching at the surfacings: exploring extended surface intervals in Cuvier's beaked whales Erin Falcone, Greg Schorr, David Sweeney, Brenda Rone, Stacy DeRuiter, Shannon Coates, Russ Andrews, and Stephanie Watwood Re-sighting histories of dart-attached tags in Cuvier's beaked whales and fin whales in the Eastern Pacific Ocean Erin Keene, Erin Falcone, Greg Schorr, Brenda Rone, Gustavo Cardenas-Hinojosa, and Russ Andrews Movements and diving behavior of Risso's dolphins in the Southern California Bight Brenda Rone, David Sweeney, Erin Falcone, Stephanie Watwood, and Greg Schorr Context Matters: multi-day to multi-week sound and movement recordings reveal individual variation in responses of Cuvier's beaked whales to navy sonar Greg Schorr, Stacy DeRuiter, Brenda Rone, David Sweeney, Russ Andrews, Karin Dolan, Erin Falcone, Shannon Coates, and Stephanie Watwood Cuvier's beaked whale behavioral responses persist after conclusion of some navy sonar exposures David Sweeney, Erin Falcone, Stephanie Watwood, Stacy DeRuiter, and Greg Schorr Use of navy training ranges and NMFS's Biologically Important Areas by blue and fin whales off the U.S. West Coast Barbara Lagerquist, Ladd Irvine, Tom Follett, Erin Falcone, Greg Schorr, Bruce Mate, and Daniel Palacios Vulnerability of North Atlantic right whales to entanglement and vessel collision risks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: insights from their diving behavior V. Harvey, V. Lesage, Russ Andrews, K. Sorochan, S. Plourde, J. Gosselin, A. Mosnier, and C. Johnson Vulnerability of U.S. marine mammal stocks in the Pacific and Arctic to climate change M. Lettrich et al. Using a Mask R-CNN neural network framework to detect Steller sea lions in autonomous camera images Alexey Altukhov, Russ Andrews, Ivan Usatov, Vladimir Burkanov, and Thomas Gelatt Steller sea lion brand detection and identification on aerial images using deep learning approach Ivan Usatov, Alexey Altukhov, Vladimir Burkanov, Russ Andrews, and Thomas Gelatt Exploring the use of seabirds as dynamic ocean management tools to mitigate anthropogenic risk to large whales Tammy Silva, Kevin Powers, Jooke Robbins, Regina Asmutis-Silva, Timothy Cole, Alex Hill, Laura Howes, Charles Mayo, Dianna Schulte, Michael Thompson, Linda Welch, Alexandre Zerbini, and David Wiley Diving behavior of humpback whales during their southbound migration in the Western South Atlantic Ocean Erika Coelho, Solene Derville, Vinicius Maia, Artur Andriolo, Federico Sucunza, Daniel Daniewicz, and Alexandre Zerbini Development and characterization of a non-antibiotic antimicrobial polydopamine surface coating for use in marine mammal conservation Ariana Smies, Jeremy Wales, Maureen Hennenfent, Bruce Lee, Jooke Robbins, Alexandre Zerbini, and Rupak Rajachar In the wake of small cetaceans: can targeted eDNA sampling support stock structure analysis for small or elusive cetaceans? Kim Parsons, Sam May, Zachary Gold, Kimberly Goetz, Alexandre Zerbini, Christine Gabriele, Jan Straley, John Moran, Marilyn Dahlheim, Linda Park, and Phillip Morin El ñino affects reproduction and survival of humpack whales in the Brazilian breeding ground Mariana Neves, Leonardo Wedekin, Alexandre Zerbini, Daniel Danilewicz, Julio Baumgarten, and Paulo Inácio Prado Using density surface models in a highly complex survey area (Southeast Alaska) to estimate humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) abundance and distribution
Abigail Schiffmiller, Greg Breed, Kimberly Goetz, and Alexandre Zerbini
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